Principles and Concepts
What is Simran?

Principles and Concepts
What does “Chardi Kalaa” mean?

Principles and Concepts
Who is a true Shaheed (martyr)?

What is the Sikh attitude towards death?
What is the Sikh attitude towards death?

Principles and Concepts
What is the Sikh understanding of pleasure and pain?

Principles and Concepts
What is the goal of human life?

Principles and Concepts
Is a Guru necessary for spiritual evolution?

Principles and Concepts
What are the traits of a True Guru?

Principles and Concepts
Did the Sikh Gurus perform miracles? If so, why?

Principles and Concepts
What is the relationship between the Sikh and the Guru?

Principles and Concepts
Can prayer change things or destiny?

Principles and Concepts
Should we ask for worldly things in prayer?

Principles and Concepts
What is the Sikh prayer?

Principles and Concepts
Is it possible to conquer death?

Principles and Concepts
Is there Fate or Freewill, according to Sikhi?

Principles and Concepts
What is Karma?

Principles and Concepts
What is Grace?

Principles and Concepts
What is Bhagti?

Principles and Concepts
What are the five main vices?

Principles and Concepts
Who is a Sant (saint)?

Principles and Concepts
What are the five virtues, according to Sikhi?

Principles and Concepts
What is the place of evil, according to Sikhi?

Principles and Concepts
What is the value of fasting?

Principles and Concepts
What is the value of pilgrimage?

Principles and Concepts
What is the true education, according to Sikhi?

Principles and Concepts
What is conscience?

Principles and Concepts
What is Maya?

Principles and Concepts
What is egoism?

Principles and Concepts
What is Naam?

Principles and Concepts
What is Sehaj Yoga?

Principles and Concepts
What is contentment?

Principles and Concepts
What is humility?

Principles and Concepts
What is renunciation?

Principles and Concepts
What is Seva?

Principles and Concepts
What are the stages of spiritual development, according to Sikhi?

Principles and Concepts
What is the mission of the Khalsa?

Principles and Concepts
How should we treat the apostates (Patits)?

Principles and Concepts
Are there castes among the Sikhs?

Principles and Concepts
What is the “Guru Ka Langar”?

Principles and Concepts
What is the scope of the comprehensive discipline in a Sikh’s life?

Principles and Concepts
How can a man turn towards God?

Principles and Concepts
Why is Sikhi not Evagenical?

Principles and Concepts
What is Just-War in Sikhi?

Principles and Concepts
What does “Bole So Nihaal” mean?

Principles and Concepts
What does “Rehat Pyaaree Mujh Ko, Sikh Pyaara Naahe” mean?

Principles and Concepts
What are the Nau-Nidh (Nine treasures of wealth)?

Principles and Concepts
What is the role of Women as given in Sri Guru Granth Sahib?

Principles and Concepts
Describe “Naam, Daan, Ishnaan, Kirat Karna and Vand Chhakna”.

Principles and Concepts