God and his universe
What is the Sikh view on Satan or the Devil?
Gurmat & Christianity
What is the Sikh view on the Christian belief of God sacrificing?

God & Christianity
What are the Christian and Sikh views on God’s birth and death?
Gurmat & Christianity
How is the Christian and Sikh concepts of God different?

Gurmat & Christianity
What is the difference between the authorship of the Bible and Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

Gurmat & Christianity
How does the Bible view women in comparison to Sikh Scriptures?

Why was Sikh religion started?
It is a ‘totally false’ argument that Sikhism believes all paths lead to the same goal and thus all religions are equal. From its very inc
Gurmat & Christianity
What is the Sikh view on Jesus being the only Son of God?

Gurmat & Christianity
How does Sikhi differ to Christianity’s explanation of the creation of the Universe?