May rituals be recited in languages other than Panjabi? Are copies of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in other languages as effective as those written in Panjabi, why/why not?

Symbolic understanding of the number five
Number five is significantly used in Sikhism. God created the body of five elements, there are five khands (level of creation) etc.

How does Sikhi maintain unity among its groups without a hierarchy?

what group or groups most closely fits this role and in what capacities for each?

How are the later Gurus reincarnation of first?
Later Gurus or Successors of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are not considered reincarnates of the first one. Reincarnation refers to the cycle of death and birth
Gurmat & Islam
If men and women are equal in Sikhi, then why weren’t there any female Gurus?

What is Sikhi’s view of other religions?

Why was Sikh religion started?
It is a ‘totally false’ argument that Sikhism believes all paths lead to the same goal and thus all religions are equal. From its very inc

Gurmat & Islam
Is Guru Granth Sahib a compilation of Hindu & Islamic texts into one?

Gurmat & Islam
How can Reincarnation be accurate?

Gurmat & Islam
Why did Guru Nanak’s own son abandon Sikhi?

Gurmat & Islam
Do Sikhs worship the 10 Gurus as God?

Explain the meaning of “Maas Maas Kar Moorakh Jhagre” shabad which is cited by supporters of eating meat.

What do you know of the ‘Radha Soami’ faith?

If an Atheist does good deeds and serves humanity will he reap the rewards?
