What is the Spiritual Significance of the 5Ks in relation to the Five Vices?
Desires/ Lust (Kaam)
Wearing the Kachhera, a Sikh is reminded to control his desire and only look at his own wife or husband. The Kachhera reminds us to self-control and to control the urges of Kaam.
Greed (Lobh)
Wearing the Kara in our hand we are reminded not to commit crime or theft with our hands. The Kara constantly reminds us of Guru Ji and the hands which can be used to misdeeds fuelled by greed are reminded “you are bound to the Guru, remember Vaheguru is always watching you”. Therefore, the Kara is a continual reminder of “Think of the Guru, before yourselfâ€.
Anger (Krodh)
Wearing the Kirpaan, you have the power to kill someone and therefore you to have control your anger more than the other person. The Kirpaan represents the Grace, Truth and Justice, which a Sikh represents which can only happen if a Sikh has no anger.
Attachment (Moh)
Combing the hair twice a day with the Kangha, when we see dead hair being combed out, we are reminded that just as our hair are not permanent, so is everything around us. One should comb one’s mind with Gurbaani (the Divine Wisdom), just as one comb’s their hair with a Kangha.
Ego (Haumai)
Wearing a Keski (small turban) to cover the Kesh (unshorn hair) one commits him or herself to higher consciousness, saving them from vanity. Crowning oneself with a Dastaar (turban) one reminds themselves that their head belongs to Guru Sahib and that they should not have ego. With a Dastaar covering the hair-knot on top of Dasam Duaar, all worldly fashion stops dead. The Dastaar guards the Sikh man and woman from drowning in vanity and society-led fashions. A man or woman wearing a Keski/Dastaar well be self-conscious of living up to their principles, living up to the image they are portraying and the Guru they are representing, therefore subduing their ego and Manmukh (self-centred) mind.